This picture was taken on a cold winter's morning last year. I can still remember the early chill, as my husband and I proceeded to the boardwalk for a little quiet time before the business of the day began. It was still dark when we pulled up to the beach, and the lights from the car shone upon a beautiful sight. The simplicity of what I saw made me immediately joyful. Here, I was reminded (as I often am) of what is important. My thoughts went to a place of thanks and gratitude and I began to count my blessings. The warm car I was sitting in, the hot tea in my freshly manicured hands, the view of the ocean before me, and of course, the man I love by my side.
As we returned home, I noticed I was floating around the kitchen getting the kids fed and ready for school. I had put myself in a positive mindset for the day, by merely listing was dear in my life.
When you count your blessings you create a state of wellbeing. As you continue to cultivate thanks, you successfully balance your body, mind, and soul, which brings you closer to your truth.
Take the time to count your blessings often. This simple, yet powerful exercise, can open your eyes to see that the life you have been given IS the life of your dreams. You are bestowed with amazing gifts every day, and as you acknowlegde that, you create an energy of gratitude. That energy is a gateway for healing, and not just your healing, but everyone you encounter has the opportunity to rise to your vibrational frequency.
A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.